Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Two Weeks To Go

I honestly don't know what to say tonight besides...
I am super excited right now. I don't feel nervous or anything at all. I hope it stays that way.

And I hope these next two weeks fly by. I think that they will though. Work has me scheduled quite a bit before my three weeks off, which is nice. And this weekend I'm going to be busy between work and doing things for the long weekend/celebrating Canada Day. So I have a bunch of stuff to keep me preoccupied.

I also have my two appointments coming up in the next little bit.
July 5th- Last ortho before surgery to get my hooks attached to my brackets
July 8th- Surgery pre-op at the hospital

Thursday, June 20, 2013

2 Weeks and 6 Days To Go

Time has been going by quickly.
It doesn't feel like that long ago when I wrote my last post. But I guess I've just been busy with work and home-life recently. I haven't even been thinking about my surgery that much- which I guess is a good thing.

I have been starting to plan out things that I may need to buy for during that time though. Mainly in terms of food. My surgeon never told me what my restrictions are, if any. But I have a feeling I will be living off of soft/mushy food for about a week. So I need to think up some things to buy so that I'm not eating the same thing every day. So far I have a little list going which includes...

- Smoothies and milkshakes
- Jell-o and pudding
- Oatmeal
- Pancakes
- Eggs
- PB&J sandwiches
- Raspberries, oranges, mangoes
- Mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes
- Cooked green beans, broccoli, carrots
- Pasta
- Hummus

That's really all I can think of so far. I'm sure my list will be changing a lot though. Some of those things I don't even know if I will be able to eat right afterwards.
Here's to hoping.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

4 Weeks and 1 Day To Go

So I just had my 2nd last orthodontist appointment before surgery.
I got the usual wire replacement and tightening done. But they also re-did all of my x-rays, impressions and pictures so my surgeon is able to see fully how he has to move things.
I have one more ortho appointment on July 5th, but it will just be to add hooks to all of my brackets for when I will have to wear elastics after the surgery.

I also got a call from the hospital, on July 8th I have to go in to get a preop assessment done. I have already gone to a walk-in clinic (as I don't have a family doctor) to get a little preop physical form filled out. But I guess I have to go to the hospital to see an actual nurse now for a more thorough assessment. I really have no clue what to expect from that besides probably getting blood work done. The girl said that it will take around an hour to complete.
I guess I'll find out in a few weeks.

Time seems to be going by very quickly. But I honestly want it to go by even quicker. I just want it to be July 10th so I can get this all over with.

Sunday, June 09, 2013

4 Weeks and 2 Days To Go

I have just a little over a month left until my surgery. I'm starting to get very excited, but also nervous at the same time.
Last week I had a meeting with my surgeon just to go over things again, but he honestly didn't say much. I had to fill out this long form that the hospital requires about my health. I was told the exact time of my surgery- It is at 12:15pm but I need to be at the hospital no later then 10:15am. He told me that the surgery will take about two and a half hours, which sounded scary considering I have never had surgery or anesthesia of any sort before.
(I've never even been a patient at a hospital)
And I asked him about taking time off of work and what I should expect with eating afterwards, which his answers to both were pretty blunt. He said that I only really need a week off of work but that some people need more, it completely depends on the individual. I decided that I really don't want to go back to work too soon- I want most of my major swelling to be gone before I go back, and I for sure have to be able to talk properly for long periods as my job requires me to be talking almost constantly. So I have scheduled to take work off from July 9th until July 31st.
(I know I'm going to be freaking out before hand so I thought it would be nice to have work off the day before so I can just try to relax at home)
If I don't need the full 3 weeks off, I can always go back early I suppose? I don't think my work would mind if I called in asking to take a few shifts.
And as regards to eating afterwards, I was curious if I will have any restrictions and my surgeon said no as long as I use common sense.
Besides those little things, I didn't really get any more information. My surgeon seems like a nice guy, but he is so blunt and matter-of-fact.
Right before I left he told me to not even think about the surgery until the day of.
I honestly don't think that is even possible though.

Like I said, I am starting to get excited and nervous.
I am mainly just nervous for the anesthesia part and for having to stay in the hospital overnight.
And I am excited to just get this over with. Once my surgery is done, I shouldn't have to have my braces on for much longer. I am also starting to look forward to the change in my appearance that it's going to make. I've always been very self-conscious when it comes to my face/profile because of my overbite. And I am hoping that this will help me with that. Although I am scared about what people that know me are going to say. Not many people know about my surgery, and then all of a sudden I'm just going to be... different.
It's going to take a lot of getting used to.

Now I think I am going to be brave and post some before surgery pictures so that I have comparisons to after.

Just Me

Somewhat Side Profile


Tuesday, June 04, 2013

First Post!

I am completely new when it comes to blogs, so bare with me.

My name is Britney, and on July 10th I am undergoing oral/jaw surgery to correct my overbite and open bite.
Readings others' blogs who have gone through similar surgeries has really helped to give me more information on what I am doing to be dealing with. So I thought that I would create my own blog, to share my own experiences as I go through them.