Wednesday, July 17, 2013

7 Days Post-Op

So a week has gone by already. And I don't really have much to say..

I've been feeling okay I guess. I mean, I haven't had much actual pain. I do have a lot of irritation though. Whether it's from being stiff or swollen, or the stitches starting to sting and itch. And the numbness of my chin is really starting to bug me now as well. But the worst part it that I've just been feeling completely drained- emotionally and physically.
I am already so sick of just sitting at home with not much to do. I feel like a hermit, and like I need more human contact. But at the same time I feel like I'm constantly weak, like I wouldn't be able to go out and do anything. Even when I get a lot of sleep and try to eat a lot, and not do much of anything, I still feel that way.
I guess that's just how it is though?

I just hope that it doesn't last forever. I know it's only been a week, but a week of sitting at home feels like a long time.

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